Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Blog Bandwagon I decided to finally jump on the blog bandwagon. I have blog addresses for several friends and although I don't have time to peruse them very often, when I do, they're so cool. What a neat way to stay in touch. you can keep up with the Edmund's! I can't say how up-to-date it will be because the kids are out of school for the summer and shortly after they go back we will welcome Jacob to our family. I'm pretty sure I won't have a lot of down time to play with my blog and I don't really know what I'm doing anyway. Oh well...I guess you get to see the work in progress.


rocknbrocks said...

Yeah! Glad you got your blog going! Great family photo!

Our Crazy Happy Family said...

Welcome to the blog bandwagon! It's addicting :)

Amanda said...

Hey Marie Love your blog, it's so pretty. You look like a pro already. I love the first song, Neal has sung that song to Emmy since she was a baby. Your family photo is really good.